
nhctl config

View, save and check application config file

nhctl config [command]
Available Commands:
edit edit service config
get get application/service config
reload reload application/service config
template get service config template

nhctl config edit#

Edit service config

nhctl config edit [Name] [flags]


--app-config get application config
-t, --controller-type string kind of k8s controller,such as deployment,statefulSet
-d, --deployment string k8s deployment which your developing service exists
-h, --help help for get
Global Flags:
--debug enable debug level log
--kubeconfig string the path of the kubeconfig file
-n, --namespace string kubernetes namespace

nhctl config get#

Get application/service config

nhctl config get [Name] [flags]


--app-config get application config
-t, --controller-type string kind of k8s controller,such as deployment,statefulSet
-d, --deployment string k8s deployment which your developing service exists
-h, --help help for get
Global Flags:
--debug enable debug level log
--kubeconfig string the path of the kubeconfig file
-n, --namespace string kubernetes namespace

nhctl config reload#

Reload application/service config

nhctl config reload [Name] [flags]


-t, --controller-type string kind of k8s controller,such as deployment,statefulSet
-d, --deployment string k8s deployment which your developing service exists
-h, --help help for reload
Global Flags:
--debug enable debug level log
--kubeconfig string the path of the kubeconfig file
-n, --namespace string kubernetes namespace

nhctl config template#

Get service config template

nhctl config template [Name] [flags]


-t, --controller-type string kind of k8s controller,such as deployment,statefulSet
-d, --deployment string k8s deployment which your developing service exists
-h, --help help for template
Global Flags:
--debug enable debug level log
--kubeconfig string the path of the kubeconfig file
-n, --namespace string kubernetes namespace