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Dev Container configuration

Overview / Spec / Container

The Remote Directory for File Synchronization#


name: nocalhost-api
serviceType: deployment
- name: nocalhost-api
workDir: /home/nocalhost-dev

After entering DevMode, users need to select a local directory, or right-click the target workload and select Associate Local DIR to do so in IDE plug-in. This directory local selected will be synchronized with the workDir of the container in DevMode.

workDir defaults to /home/nocalhost-dev

Note on workDir

workDir uses emptyDir to share in container ,so this directory is empty at the beginning.



name: nocalhost-api
serviceType: deployment
- name: nocalhost-api

DevImage is the basis of DevMode, which can be regarded as a 'remote Linux'. If you want to correctly compile and run the files synchronized from the local, you must use the proper DevImage. Nocalhost provides multiple official DevImage, and if you do not configure this field before entering DevMode, you are required to select or enter a DevImage to move on.

The official DevImages are regular images without any special change. Apart from the basic environment of various languages, such as JRE, Maven in Java, there are also some built-in basic softwares such as git, openssh-client, zsh, bash, net-tools, tmux. If no official image is sutiable for you, you can customize your own DevImage. The DockerFile is in dev-container.

Make your DevImage

If you want to customize DevImage, please place it in a repository that can be pulled by your K8s cluster.

Shell in the Remote Container#


name: nocalhost-api
serviceType: deployment
- name: nocalhost-api
shell: /bin/zsh

It is not a must to configure the shell, which defaults zsh || bash || sh. Using a proper Shell normally makes things easier and more efficient, such as the automatic supplement and history supplement functions provided by zsh.

Of course, the shell configuration also depends on the DevImage. If your DevImage does not support zsh, it will not work even if you have configured zsh as the shell. It will look for zsh, bash and sh in turn until it finds a usable one.

Persistence in Dev Container#


name: nocalhost-api
serviceType: deployment
- name: nocalhost-api
- path: /the/path/you/want/to/persistent/in/container
capacity: 10Gi
- path: /other
capacity: 10Gi
storageClass: cbs

We know that if the directory is not persisted in K8s container, the previously generated data will be lost after the container is shut down or restarted, such as synchronized files, compiled contents, constructed contents, etc. Enabling persistence in Dev Container can greatly reduce such loss.

Persistence includes two parts:

  • Which directories need to be persisted. It is allowable not to configure this, and the default value will be empty. path indicates the directory that needs to be persisted in DevImage, and capacity indicates the space allocated for this directory persistence. persistentVolumeDirs is an array used to configure multiple path/capacity.
  • storageClass. Persistence requires storageClass (kubectl get storageclass ). If you do not configure storageClass, Nocalhost will use the default storageClass in the cluster to create PVC. If you have configured storageClass, PVC will be created by the corresponding storageClass.
Pay Attention

capacity needs to satisfy the resource constraints of K8s.

Resource Requests and Constraints in Dev Container#


name: nocalhost-api
serviceType: deployment
- name: nocalhost-api
memory: 4Gi
cpu: "1"
memory: 2Gi
cpu: "0.5"

Nocalhost Dev Container inherits the resource settings of the original container. If there is no configuration in the original container and no limitranges (kubectl get limitranges) in the namespace, Dev Container will have no resource constraints.

Generally, after entering DevMode, the amount of the resource used will exceed the original image. Therefore, the resource configuration of the original container often leads to the failure of DevMode, such as OOM caused by insufficient memory. When such thing happens, you need to configure resources to provide more resource for DevImage.

Pay Attention

memory and cpu need to satisify the resource constraints of K8s.

Sidecar Image Customization#


name: nocalhost-api
serviceType: deployment
- name: nocalhost-api

sidecarImage is a necessary image to enter DevMode, which is used for code synchronization, debug connection management, etc. sidecarImage defaults and does not need to be configured manually.

If your cluster cannot get this image because of the network, you can pull this image and push it to the image repository that your cluster can access, and then configure it as a new address.



name: nocalhost-api
serviceType: deployment
- name: nocalhost-api
- patch: '[{"op": "add","path":"/metadata/annotations/nocalhost-patch","value":"hello-world"}]'
type: json
- patch: '{"spec":{"template":{"spec":{"containers":[{"name":"nocalhost-dev","imagePullPolicy":"IfNotPresent","resources":{"limits":{"cpu":"2"}}}]}}}}'
- patch: '{"spec":{"template":{"spec":{"containers":[{"name":"nocalhost-sidecar","resources":{"limits":{"cpu":"2"}}}]}}}}'
type: strategic

patches provide the function similar to kubectl patch. Users can use patches to flexibly modify the Spec of the workload in Nocalhost DevMode.

In which:

  • type: The type of patch. The optional values are json, merge, strategic, and the default value is strategic

  • patch: The content of patch

To easily understand, type and patch can be regarded as the --type and --patch parameters of ubectl patch command, respectively. To get more information about kuebctl patch , please see Update K8s API Object by kubectl patch


Nocalhost will not validate the content of patch, so Nocalhost may fail to enter DevMode because of the improper contents of the patch. Please make sure the patch is correct.

Last updated on by Tank Xu