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Nocalhost Config Specs

# Specify config properties
# type: object
# default value: {}
# required
# config file version
# type: string
# default value: null
# required
version: v2
# env file name, substitution variable for this file
# type: string
# default value: null
# optional
# Application name
# type: string(dns1123)
# default value: null
# required
# nhctl param: [NAME]
# uniq
name: coding-agile
# Application k8s manifest type
# type: select,options:helmGit/helmRepo/rawManifest/rawManifestLocal/helmLocal
# default value: null
# required
# nhctl param: --type,-t
manifestType: rawManifest
# Set default application version for helmRepo
# type: string
# deafult value: latest
# optional
helmVersion: 0.0.1
# helmGit: chart path: relative path of git repo root.
# helmLocal: chart path: relative path of local helm chart path.
# helmRepo: no meaning
# rawManifestGit: manifest files path: multi relative paths of git repo root
# rawManifestLocal: manifest files path: multi relative paths of local application path
# kustomizeGit: kustomize file path: relative path of git repo
# kustomizeLocal: kustomize file path: multi relative paths of local application path
# type: string[]
# default value: ["."]
# required
resourcePath: []
# helmGit: no meaning.
# helmRepo: no meaning.
# rawManifestGit: ignored manifest path: multi relative paths of git repo root.
# rawManifestLocal: ignored manifest path: multi relative paths of local application path.
# helmLocal: no meaning.
# type: string[]
# default value: ["."]
# optional
ignoredPath: []
# The jobs to be executed before application's installation.
# type: object[]
# default value: []
# optional
# Job yaml file, the relative path of the repo root
# type: string
# required
- path: "job-1.yaml"
# Order of execution of job, The smaller the value, the first to execute
# type: integer
# default value: 0
# optional
weight: -1
- path: "job-2.yaml"
weight: 5
# Overwrite helm values.yaml
# type: object[]
# default value: []
# optional
- key: DOMAIN
value: ${}
- key: DEBUG
value: ${DEBUG:-true}
# Inject environment variable for all workload
# type: object[]
# default value: []
# optional
- name: DEBUG
value: ${DEBUG:-true}
- name: DOMAIN
value: ""
# Use envFile to inject environment variable for all workload
# If specify env and envFrom at the same time, then use intersection of them, and use env key as primary
# type: object[]
# default value: []
# optional
- path: dev.env
- path: dev.env
# The Applicaion's micro services
# type: object[]
# default value: []
# optional
# Name of service, the name of workload in cluster
# type: string
# default value: null
# required
- name: e-coding
# The Kubernetes Workloads type corresponding to the service
# type: select, options: deployment/statefulset/pod/job/cronjob/daemonset case insensitive
# default value: deployment
# required
serviceType: deployment
# Dependent Pods label selector (The service will not start until the Pods selected by selector being ready.)
# type: string[]
# default value: []
# optional
- "name=mariadb"
- ""
# Dependent Jobs label selector (The service will not start until the Jobs selected by selector completed.)
# type: string[]
# default value: []
# optional
- "job-name=init-job"
- ""
# When the Pod has multiple containers, specify the container name.
# type: string
# default value: ""
# optional
- name: coding
# Specify installation parameters
# type: object
# default value: {}
# optional
# Inject environment variable for container when installed
# type: object[]
# default value: []
# optional
- name: DEBUG
value: "true"
- name: DOMAIN
value: ""
# Use envFile to inject environment variable for container when installed
# If specify env and envFrom at the same time, then use intersection of them, and use env key as primary
# type: object[]
# default value: []
# optional
- path: dev.env
- path: dev.env
# Ports to be forwarded to local when workload has been installed
# localPort:remotePort
# type: string[]
# default value: []
# optional
- 3306:3306
# Specify development parameters
# type: object
# default value: {}
# required
# The git repository clone url of the service
# type: string
# default value: null
# required
gitUrl: xxx-job
# DevContainer Image of the micro service
# type: string
# default value: null
# required
image: java:8-jdk
# The default shell of DevContainer
# type: string
# default value: "/bin/sh"
# optional
shell: "bash"
# The work directory of DevContainer
# type: string
# default value: "/home/nocalhost-dev"
# optional
workDir: "/root/nocalhost-dev"
# Specify resources requests and limits for DevContainer, same format to Kubernetes's resources (Not currently implemented)
# type: object
# default value: {}
# optional
cpu: "1"
memory: 1Gi
cpu: "0.5"
memory: 512Mi
# Storage of persistence volume
# type: string
# default value: null
# optional
storageClass: "cbs"
# Dirs to be persisted in DevContainer
# type: string[]
# default value: ["/home/nocalhost-dev"]
# optional
# Dir to be persisted in DevContainer
# type: string
# default value: null
# required
- path: "/root"
# Capability of the dir
# type: string
# default value: 10Gi
# optional
capacity: 100Gi
# Run command of the service
# default value: [""]
# optional
run: ["./gradlew", "bootRun"]
# Debug command of the service
# type: string[]
# default value: [""]
# optional
debug: ["./gradlew", "bootRun", "--debug-jvm"]
# Specify debug parameter
# type: object
# default value: {}
# optional
# Specify remote debug port
# type: int
# default value: null
# optional
remoteDebugPort: 5005
# Use .dev-container of VSCode to specify DevContainer Image (Not currently implemented)
# type: string
# default value: ""
# optional
useDevContainer: false
# Specify file synchronization when enter development mode
# type: object
# default value: {}
# optional
# The synchronization file mode of the service (Not currently implemented)
# "send" specifies one-way synchronization to the container, "sendreceive" specifies two-way synchronization
# type: select,send/sendreceive
# default value: "send"
# optional
type: send
# List of files and directories to be synchronized to DevContainer
# type: string[]
# default value: ["."]
# optional
- "./src"
- "./pkg/fff"
# List of ignored files and directories to be synchronized to DevContainer
# type: string[]
# default value: []
# optional
- ".git"
- "./build"
# Specify dev mode environment parameters
# type: object[]
# default value: {}
# optional
- name: DEBUG
value: "true"
- name: DOMAIN
value: ""
# Use env file to specify dev mode environment parameters
# type: object
# default value: {}
# optional
- path: dev.env
- path: dev.env
# Ports to be forwarded to local when enter devMode
# localPort:remotePort
# type: string[]
# default value: []
# optional
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Last updated on by Tank Xu